select vl.UNIT_CODE from VC_LEVEL vl where vl.UNIT_TYPE = 0 and vl.VALID_STATUS = 1 and vl.LEVEL_NO <= 3 start with vl.ID_VC_LEVEL = 694 connect by prior vl.ID_VC_LEVEL = vl.PARENT_ORG_ID);
放进一个list<string> aa 里面
select doc.id_vc_doc_version_info, doc.doc_ver_code, doc.doc_ver_name, doc.org_code, doc.status from vc_doc_version_info doc where 1 = 1 and doc.status = '1' and doc.id_vc_doc_type='1' and exists (select 1 from vc_doc_rel_area area where area.id_vc_doc_version_info = doc.id_vc_doc_version_info and area.org_code in( aa ) );
sb.append(" and exists(select 1 from VcDocRelArea area where area.idVcDocVersionInfo=doc.idVcDocVersionInfo " ); // sb.append(" and area.orgCode in ( "); String[] strs1=orgCodeList.toArray(new String[orgCodeList.size()]);
sb.append(createIdsInHqlAllowEmpty(strs1,"area.orgCode")); sb.append("))");
public static String createIdsInHqlAllowEmpty(String[] ids, String propertyStr) { if(ids.length<=1000){ String idStr = createIds4Hql(ids); StringBuffer hqlBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(idStr)) { hqlBuffer.append(" and " + propertyStr + " in ").append(idStr); } return hqlBuffer.toString(); }else{ StringBuffer hqlBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); hqlBuffer.append(" and ( "); int num = ids.length/1000; int remain = ids.length%1000; for(int i=0;i<=num;i++){ String[] newIds = null; if(i!=num){ newIds = Arrays.copyOfRange(ids, i*1000, (i+1)*1000); }else{ newIds = Arrays.copyOfRange(ids, i*1000, i*1000+remain); } String idStr = createIds4Hql(newIds); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(idStr)) { if(i==0){ hqlBuffer.append(propertyStr + " in ").append(idStr); }else{ hqlBuffer.append(" or " + propertyStr + " in ").append(idStr); } } } hqlBuffer.append(")"); return hqlBuffer.toString(); } } public static String createIds4Hql(String[] ids) { StringBuffer idBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); String idsHql = null; StringBuffer hqlBuffer = new StringBuffer(""); if (ids!=null&&ids.length>0) { for (String id : ids) { idBuffer.append("'" + id + "',"); } idsHql = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(idBuffer.toString(), ","); hqlBuffer.append(" (").append(idsHql).append(")"); } return hqlBuffer.toString(); }
oracle 数据库一种新发现的写法 这种写法超过1000条也不会报错
SELECT t.* FROM nbz_policy_main t WHERE (t.policyno , 1) in (('1',1),('1',1)); |