WIN7 旗舰版 X64 安装ORACLE 11G R2
安装 ORCALE 服务器是就总是退出,莫名其妙就安装好了,安装CLIENT x64又总是突然退出,错误日志什么都没有,崩溃,最后在网上找到了答案:
3.用命令行方式运行setup ,注意:更改JAVA 运行时的路径,我是:
setup -jreLoc c:\PROGRA~1\java\jdk1.7.0_02
I was having a similar problem (mentioned in another thread I'm still looking for to respond), but it would fail (without notice) when selecting "desktop class" (step 3). We found that there was a problem with the included javaw.exe file, so used the following start line in the command line (from wherever setup.exe is located):
setup -jreLoc c:\PROGRA~1\java\jdk1.6.0_25
(Modify to reflect the location of an alternate JRE, like the one I used above.)
Hopefully this helps. If not, good luck!