Caused by:org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCurrentlyInCreationException: Errorcreating bean with name 'asyncUpdate': Bean with name 'asyncUpdate' has beeninjected into other beans [dealerService,userService] in its raw version aspart of a circular reference, but has eventually been wrapped. This means thatsaid other beans do not use the final version of the bean. This is often theresult of over-eager type matching - consider using 'getBeanNamesOfType' withthe 'allowEagerInit' flag turned off, for example. 以上这一长串大概的意思就是说,'asyncUpdate' bean已经注入了一个版本,程序中出现了循环依赖的可能性。 就如:在创建A类时,构造器需要B类,那将去创建B,在创建B类时又发现需要C类,则又去创建C,最终在创建C时发现又需要A,从而形成一个环,没办法创建。
public classAsyncUpdate {
private DealerMemberMapper dealerMemberMapper;
private UserService userService;
private GoodsSubscribeService goodsSubscribeService;
public void updateDealerAsync(Dealer dealer, String mobilephone, Integer type) throwsException {
@Async注解:表示当前是一个异步方法。 @Component:表示把普通pojo实例化到spring容器中,相当于配置文件中的
。 @EnableAsync注解:表示开启异步线程。
public classDealerService {
private DealerMapper dealerMapper;
private UserService userService;
private AsyncUpdate asyncUpdate;
1.使用 @Lazy 或者 @ComponentScan(lazyInit = true) 来解决该问题,经过我实验,@Lazy必须和@Autowired联合使用才能生效,单纯在类上添加 @Lazy 并无意义。
private AsyncUpdate asyncUpdate;
- 使用基于 Setter 的注入
public classDealerService {
private AsyncUpdate a;
public void setA(AsyncUpdate a) {
this.a = a;
public classAsyncUpdate {
private DealerService ds;
public void setDs(DealerService ds) {
this.ds = ds;
public classDealerService {
private AsyncUpdate a;
public classAsyncUpdate {
private DealerService ds;
public void foo(DealerService ds) {
this.ds= ds;
注:当@Autowired 对方法或构造函数进行标注时,表示如果构造函数有两个入参,分别是 bean1 和bean2,@Autowired 将分别寻找和它们类型匹配的 Bean,将它们作为 baanService (Bean1 bean1 ,Bean2 bean2) 的入参来创建baanService Bean。 |