Objective-C使用@try @catch @finally来捕获并处理异常。处理异常需要用到NSException类,它是所有异常的基类。你可以直接使用NSException类来捕获异常,也可以继承一个新的类。
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
@try {
NSException *e = [NSException
reason:@"File Not Found on System"
@throw e;
@catch (NSException *exception) {
if ([[exception name] isEqualToString:NSInvalidArgumentException]) {
NSLog(@"%@", exception);
} else {
@throw exception;
@finally {
return 0;
如何才能了解它内部的工作流程,@try @catch @finally的定义无法查看。幸运的是我们可以通过Clang生成C的中间代码来了解try/catch原理。想了解Clang推荐阅读:编译器Clang介绍。
以上面的代码为例,使用文本编辑器将代码保存到main.m文件中,文件名可随便定义。打开终端输入:clang -rewrite-objc main.m 命令编译。
struct objc_selector; struct objc_class;
struct __rw_objc_super { struct objc_object *object; struct objc_object *superClass; };
#ifndef _REWRITER_typedef_Protocol
typedef struct objc_object Protocol;
#define _REWRITER_typedef_Protocol
#define __OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT extern
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_msgSend(struct objc_object *, struct objc_selector *, ...);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_msgSendSuper(struct objc_super *, struct objc_selector *, ...);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_msgSend_stret(struct objc_object *, struct objc_selector *, ...);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_msgSendSuper_stret(struct objc_super *, struct objc_selector *, ...);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT double objc_msgSend_fpret(struct objc_object *, struct objc_selector *, ...);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_getClass(const char *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_class *class_getSuperclass(struct objc_class *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_getMetaClass(const char *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_exception_throw(struct objc_object *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_exception_try_enter(void *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_exception_try_exit(void *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT struct objc_object *objc_exception_extract(void *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT int objc_exception_match(struct objc_class *, struct objc_object *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_sync_enter(struct objc_object *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_sync_exit(struct objc_object *);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT Protocol *objc_getProtocol(const char *);
struct __objcFastEnumerationState {
unsigned long state;
void **itemsPtr;
unsigned long *mutationsPtr;
unsigned long extra[5];
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void objc_enumerationMutation(struct objc_object *);
struct __NSConstantStringImpl {
int *isa;
int flags;
char *str;
long length;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __CFConstantStringClassReference[];
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT int __CFConstantStringClassReference[];
#ifndef BLOCK_IMPL
#define BLOCK_IMPL
struct __block_impl {
void *isa;
int Flags;
int Reserved;
void *FuncPtr;
// Runtime copy/destroy helper functions (from Block_private.h)
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void _Block_object_assign(void *, const void *, const int);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void _Block_object_dispose(const void *, const int);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void *_NSConcreteGlobalBlock[32];
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void *_NSConcreteStackBlock[32];
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void _Block_object_assign(void *, const void *, const int);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void _Block_object_dispose(const void *, const int);
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void *_NSConcreteGlobalBlock[32];
__OBJC_RW_DLLIMPORT void *_NSConcreteStackBlock[32];
#define __block
#define __weak
#define __OFFSETOFIVAR__(TYPE, MEMBER) ((long long) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
static __NSConstantStringImpl __NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_0 __attribute__ ((section ("__DATA, __cfstring"))) = {__CFConstantStringClassReference,0x000007c8,"FileNotFoundException",21};
static __NSConstantStringImpl __NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_1 __attribute__ ((section ("__DATA, __cfstring"))) = {__CFConstantStringClassReference,0x000007c8,"File Not Found on System",24};
static __NSConstantStringImpl __NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_2 __attribute__ ((section ("__DATA, __cfstring"))) = {__CFConstantStringClassReference,0x000007c8,"%@",2};
static __NSConstantStringImpl __NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_3 __attribute__ ((section ("__DATA, __cfstring"))) = {__CFConstantStringClassReference,0x000007c8,"finally",7};
// main.c
// TestBlock
// Created by xxxx on 13-6-2.
// Copyright (c) 2013 xxxx. All rights reserved.
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
/* @try scope begin */
struct _objc_exception_data
int buf[18/*32-bit i386*/];
char *pointers[4];
} _stack;
id volatile _rethrow = 0;
if (!_setjmp(_stack.buf)) /* @try block continue */
NSException *e = ((NSException *(*)(id, SEL, NSString *, NSString *, NSDictionary *))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("NSException"), sel_registerName("exceptionWithName:reason:userInfo:"), (NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_0, (NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_1, (NSDictionary *)((void *)0));
} /* @catch begin */ else {
id _caught = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);
objc_exception_try_enter (&_stack);
if (_setjmp(_stack.buf))
_rethrow = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);
else { /* @catch continue */
if (objc_exception_match((struct objc_class *)objc_getClass("NSException"), (struct objc_object *)_caught)) {
NSException *exception = _caught;
if (((BOOL (*)(id, SEL, NSString *))(void *)objc_msgSend)((id)((NSString *(*)(id, SEL))(void *)objc_msgSend)((id)exception, sel_registerName("name")), sel_registerName("isEqualToString:"), (NSString *)NSInvalidArgumentException)) {
NSLog((NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_2, exception);
} else {
objc_exception_throw( exception);
} /* last catch end */ else {
_rethrow = _caught;
} /* @catch end */
/* @finally */
if (!_rethrow) objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);
NSLog((NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_3);
if (_rethrow) objc_exception_throw(_rethrow);
} /* @try scope end */
return 0;
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
* try/catch的作用域从这里开始
/* @try scope begin */
* 首先定义一个_objc_exception_data类型的结构体,用来保存异常现场的数据。
struct _objc_exception_data
* buf变量就是c语言中的jmp_buf
* jmp_buf的定义可在setjmp.h文件中找到:
* #define _JBLEN (10 + 16 + 2)
* #define _JBLEN_MAX _JBLEN
* typedef int jmp_buf[_JBLEN];
int buf[18/*32-bit i386*/];
* pointers[0]用来存储通过@throw抛出的异常对象,
* pointers[1]存储下一个_stack数据。
char *pointers[4];
} _stack;
* _rethrow保存可能在@catch中再次抛出的异常对象。
id volatile _rethrow = 0;
* 因为异常处理支持嵌套,_stack会被存储在一个全局的栈中,这个栈用单链表的存储结构表示。
* objc_exception_try_enter函数将_stack压栈。
* _setjmp是C的函数,用于保存当前程序现场。
* _setjmp需要传入一个jmp_buf参数,保存当前需要用到的寄存器的值。
* _setjmp()它能返回两次,第一次是初始化时,返回0,第二次遇到_longjmp()函数调用会返回,返回值由_longjmp的第二个参数决定。
* 如果对_setjmp()和_longjmp()概念不太了解的,请参考C语言的异常处理机制。
* 下面_setjmp()初始化返回0,然后执行if{}中也就是@try{}中的代码。
if (!_setjmp(_stack.buf)) /* @try block continue */
* 创建一个NSException对象,对应代码:
* NSException *e = [NSException
* exceptionWithName:@"FileNotFoundException"
* reason:@"File Not Found on System"
* userInfo:nil];
NSException *e = ((NSException *(*)(id, SEL, NSString *, NSString *, NSDictionary *))(void *)objc_msgSend)(objc_getClass("NSException"), sel_registerName("exceptionWithName:reason:userInfo:"), (NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_0, (NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_1, (NSDictionary *)((void *)0));
* 抛出异常对象,对应代码:@throw e;
* objc_exception_throw函数实现步骤如下:
* 1. 把e对象保存到_stack->pointers[0]中使其在@catch{}中能被捕获。
* 2. 将_stack从全局栈中弹出。
* 3. 调用_longjmp()跳转到前面if语句中的_setjmp()位置。_longjmp()使得_setjmp()函数第二次返回,
* 返回值为1,所以会执行else{}中也就是@catch{}中的代码。
} /* @catch begin */ else {
* objc_exception_extract函数从_stack->pointers[0]中取得上面抛出的异常对象。
id _caught = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);
* 这里为何再次调用objc_exception_try_enter对_stack压栈?先保留这个疑问,继续看下面的代码。
objc_exception_try_enter (&_stack);
* 在@catch中设置一个跳转位置
if (_setjmp(_stack.buf))
* 如果@catch{}中再次抛出异常,在这里捕获。
_rethrow = objc_exception_extract(&_stack);
else { /* @catch continue */
* objc_exception_match函数判断_caught对象是否是需要捕获的目标对象。对应代码:
* @catch (NSException *exception) {
if (objc_exception_match((struct objc_class *)objc_getClass("NSException"), (struct objc_object *)_caught)) {
NSException *exception = _caught;
* 比较捕获的异常是不是NSInvalidArgumentException类型。对应代码:
* if ([[exception name] isEqualToString:NSInvalidArgumentException]) {
* NSLog(@"%@", exception);
if (((BOOL (*)(id, SEL, NSString *))(void *)objc_msgSend)((id)((NSString *(*)(id, SEL))(void *)objc_msgSend)((id)exception, sel_registerName("name")), sel_registerName("isEqualToString:"), (NSString *)NSInvalidArgumentException)) {
NSLog((NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_2, exception);
} else {
* 抛出异常对象,然后跳转到前面@catch中的if语句中的_setjmp()位置。
* 这就解释了前面为什么要在@catch中再次将_stack压栈和调用_setjmp()的原因。
* 在当前@catch中,如果不设置一个跳转点来捕获@catch中抛出的异常,那么程序就直接跳转到全局栈的下一个@catch中,而下面的@finally{}代码就无法执行。
* 在@catch中设置跳转点就是为了最后总能执行@finally中的代码。
objc_exception_throw( exception);
} /* last catch end */ else {
* 如果异常对象没被处理,先将其保存到_rethrow变量。
* objc_exception_try_exit函数将_stack从全局栈中弹出。
_rethrow = _caught;
} /* @catch end */
/* @finally */
if (!_rethrow) objc_exception_try_exit(&_stack);
NSLog((NSString *)&__NSConstantStringImpl_main_m_3);
* _rethrow是前面@catch中没有被处理的或被捕获的异常对象,
* 最后,_rethrow异常对象被抛到全局栈的下一个@catch中。
if (_rethrow) objc_exception_throw(_rethrow);
} /* @try scope end */
return 0;
typedef struct {
int version;
void (*throw_exc)(id); // version 0
void (*try_enter)(void *); // version 0
void (*try_exit)(void *); // version 0
id (*extract)(void *); // version 0
int (*match)(Class, id); // version 0
} objc_exception_functions_t;
static objc_exception_functions_t xtab;
// forward declaration
static void set_default_handlers();
* Exported functions
// get table; version tells how many
void objc_exception_get_functions(objc_exception_functions_t *table) {
// only version 0 supported at this point
if (table && table->version == 0)
*table = xtab;
// set table
void objc_exception_set_functions(objc_exception_functions_t *table) {
// only version 0 supported at this point
if (table && table->version == 0)
xtab = *table;
* The following functions are
* synthesized by the compiler upon encountering language constructs
void objc_exception_throw(id exception) {
if (!xtab.throw_exc) {
if (PrintExceptionThrow) {
_objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: throwing %p (%s)",
exception, object_getClassName(exception));
void* callstack[500];
int frameCount = backtrace(callstack, 500);
backtrace_symbols_fd(callstack, frameCount, fileno(stderr));
OBJC_RUNTIME_OBJC_EXCEPTION_THROW(exception); // dtrace probe to log throw activity.
_objc_fatal("objc_exception_throw failed");
void objc_exception_try_enter(void *localExceptionData) {
if (!xtab.throw_exc) {
void objc_exception_try_exit(void *localExceptionData) {
if (!xtab.throw_exc) {
id objc_exception_extract(void *localExceptionData) {
if (!xtab.throw_exc) {
return xtab.extract(localExceptionData);
int objc_exception_match(Class exceptionClass, id exception) {
if (!xtab.throw_exc) {
return xtab.match(exceptionClass, exception);
// quick and dirty exception handling code
// default implementation - mostly a toy for use outside/before Foundation
// provides its implementation
// Perhaps the default implementation should just complain loudly and quit
extern void _objc_inform(const char *fmt, ...);
typedef struct { jmp_buf buf; void *pointers[4]; } LocalData_t;
typedef struct _threadChain {
LocalData_t *topHandler;
objc_thread_t perThreadID;
struct _threadChain *next;
static ThreadChainLink_t ThreadChainLink;
static ThreadChainLink_t *getChainLink() {
// follow links until thread_self() found (someday) XXX
objc_thread_t self = thread_self();
ThreadChainLink_t *walker = &ThreadChainLink;
while (walker->perThreadID != self) {
if (walker->next != NULL) {
walker = walker->next;
// create a new one
// XXX not thread safe (!)
// XXX Also, we don't register to deallocate on thread death
walker->next = (ThreadChainLink_t *)malloc(sizeof(ThreadChainLink_t));
walker = walker->next;
walker->next = NULL;
walker->topHandler = NULL;
walker->perThreadID = self;
return walker;
static void default_try_enter(void *localExceptionData) {
LocalData_t *data = (LocalData_t *)localExceptionData;
ThreadChainLink_t *chainLink = getChainLink();
data->pointers[1] = chainLink->topHandler;
chainLink->topHandler = data;
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: entered try block %p\n", chainLink->topHandler);
static void default_throw(id value) {
ThreadChainLink_t *chainLink = getChainLink();
LocalData_t *led;
if (value == nil) {
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: objc_exception_throw with nil value\n");
if (chainLink == NULL) {
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: No handler in place!\n");
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: exception thrown, going to handler block %p\n", chainLink->topHandler);
led = chainLink->topHandler;
chainLink->topHandler = (LocalData_t *)
led->pointers[1]; // pop top handler
led->pointers[0] = value; // store exception that is thrown
longjmp(led->buf, 1);
_longjmp(led->buf, 1);
static void default_try_exit(void *led) {
ThreadChainLink_t *chainLink = getChainLink();
if (!chainLink || led != chainLink->topHandler) {
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: *** mismatched try block exit handlers\n");
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: removing try block handler %p\n", chainLink->topHandler);
chainLink->topHandler = (LocalData_t *)
chainLink->topHandler->pointers[1]; // pop top handler
static id default_extract(void *localExceptionData) {
LocalData_t *led = (LocalData_t *)localExceptionData;
return (id)led->pointers[0];
static int default_match(Class exceptionClass, id exception) {
//return [exception isKindOfClass:exceptionClass];
Class cls;
for (cls = _object_getClass(exception); nil != cls; cls = _class_getSuperclass(cls))
if (cls == exceptionClass) return 1;
return 0;
static void set_default_handlers() {
objc_exception_functions_t default_functions = {
0, default_throw, default_try_enter, default_try_exit, default_extract, default_match };
// should this always print?
if (PrintExceptions) _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: *** Setting default (non-Foundation) exception mechanism\n");
void exception_init(void)
// nothing to do
void _destroyAltHandlerList(struct alt_handler_list *list)
// nothing to do
// !__OBJC2__
// __OBJC2__