可是PHP不这样,它优先相对工作目录来处理,并且如果路径中包含. ..的话,则只相对于工作目录。 也许PHP这样处理有它的理由,有谁知道的不妨告诉我。
__FILE__ always equals to the real path of a php script regardless whether it's included.
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] 返回网站根目录,跟网站配置文件的 DOCUMENTROOT的值一致.
This method allows you to specify a path relative to the web server doc_root for file inclusion. 这也是许多项目在采用的一种不错的方式,就我看来,缺点是,整个项目不方便移动。
例如你一开始放置在xxx.com/,后来需要放到xxx.com/abc/下的话,你要改文件(在一个公有文件中计算ROOT的位置,其他文件包含这个共有文件)。 特别是当你同一份代码放多处时(例如一个测试环境和一个正式环境),你改文件也不好改。
This way is the most convenient way but it's not without flaws. First, not in all cases you have permission to change server configuration. Second, if there are many path specified in include_path, the actually included file may not be the one you expected because there may be files of the same name under different directories. 这是最方便的方式,但不是没有缺点。首先,有时候你不见得有权限修改配置。其次,当不同路径下的文件名有重复的时候,你会被搞糊涂的(就算你不会,你的维护者呢)。
- auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file in php.ini
This almost the best way if your scripts commonly need a startup script. We can do a lot of useful things in the startup script, for examples, define constants, load configurations. But it's not always OK to change the php.ini settings. Remember the most adaptive application should be as independent from configs as possible. 如果你每个脚本都需要包含一个通用脚本的话,这几乎是最好的方式,但是,缺点还是,与配置相关,不够独立。 |